Our Product Range


Power Division

LE provided solutions customers not only save money and protect their capital investment, but also lower energy usage and protect the environment. LE also provides maintenance and repair services, maintenance contracts packages, and supply of genuine spare parts and consumables.

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Water Division

LE offers a wide range of components, equipment and systems serving in diverse fields of activity as Water Supply, Heating/Air Conditioning, Industry, Fire extinguishing networks, Irrigation, Plumbing,  Hydraulic Works and Waste Water Treatment Plants.


Machinery Division

LE provides the industrial sector with reliable and heavy-duty machinery systems including overhead cranes, air compressors, and related ancillaries

Measuring Instrument


LE provides a wide range of Instrument that liked to the water, waste water treatment and others.. 

Himoinsa Generator, Jafar valves, Guralp Overhead crane, and Makelsan UPS